type parameter

英 [taɪp pəˈræmɪtə(r)] 美 [taɪp pəˈræmɪtər]

网络  类型参数; 类型形参; 型别参数; 型参数; 类垄参数



  1. Providing a data type parameter with the as attribute already traps many errors.
  2. When a Web service method with a complex type parameter receives a null or an instance with some attributes having null values, Lotus Domino V7.0.2 and Lotus Domino V8 behave differently.
  3. Then the type parameter instantiations would be inferred automatically from the method arguments.
  4. In the case of generic methods, if a type parameter appears only once in the method signature, then it probably should be a wildcard rather than a named type parameter.
  5. Require a zeroary constructor for all type parameter instantiations.
  6. The generic type parameter T is the primary type that you wish to cast the class to.
  7. For instance C is not a naked type parameter, but ( in the body of C), T is.
  8. The type parameter of that function allows a DER-encoded certificate to be loaded.
  9. With mixins formulated as generic classes, we always have a handle on the parent class, the type parameter that the class extends.
  10. But you cannot use a type parameter to access a constructor because, at compile time, you don't know what class is being constructed and therefore what constructors are available.
  11. But this code does not work& you cannot instantiate an array of a type represented by a type parameter.
  12. In other words, the type parameter is a string consisting of casting, trolling, or other.
  13. Thus, when a type parameter T is used as the superclass of a generic class, the annotation on T tells us exactly what super-constructors we can call.
  14. Similarly, it returns an ArrayList because that is the third type parameter of the AsyncTask.
  15. If x is a generic collection, o does not have to be type-compatible with the type parameter of x.
  16. Needless to say, this corresponds to the type parameter accepted by the Web service operation ( retrieveByType).
  17. It would end up extending the bound of the type parameter!
  18. You are allowed to specify the value of the type parameter if you like, but only if you can name the type& and the capture types are not denotable.
  19. Because a mixin's parent may be instantiated with a type parameter, there is no way for the type checker to determine all cases of accidental method overriding.
  20. The only thing it cannot do is call the put() method, and this is because it cannot verify the safety of such an operation without knowing the type parameter T for this Box instance.
  21. You can also change the type parameter to amazon to see the other data.
  22. Require all instantiations of a type parameter to include a zeroary constructor.
  23. Box is parameterized by a type parameter T, which signifies the type of the contents of the box; a Box can contain only elements of type String.
  24. For one thing, the type parameter declarations can easily become wordy.
  25. We can't know whether the super-constructors called in Scrollable are valid unless we know all the ways in which type parameter T is instantiated for JSplitPanes.
  26. Because the runtime cannot tell a List from a List ( at runtime, they're both just Lists), constructing variables whose type is identified by a generic type parameter is problematic.
  27. Wildcards the funky question marks where a type parameter should go are a means of expressing a type constraint in terms of an unknown type.
  28. Comparative study in hydraulic characteristics of differential body type parameter of hybrid type flip bucket
  29. To make a class independent of data type, replace the data type with a type parameter.
  30. Add a comma and continue the type parameter list, or add a closing parenthesis character to terminate the list.